We say NO to bullying
We are committed to providing an educational environment where students feel valued, safe and secure. We believe all members of the community have the right to a learning and work environment free from intimidation, humiliation and bullying.
View our school's Anti-bullying Policy for more information.
At St Johns Park High School students are expected to:
- Respect other students, their teachers, school staff and community members
- Follow our school rules and directions of their teachers
- Strive for the highest standard in learning
- Show courtesy to all students, teachers and community members
- Resolve conflict respectfully, calmly and fairly
- Respect all property
- Not be violent or bring prohibited substances to school
- Not bully, harrass, intimidate or discriminate against anyone in our school
Bullying takes many forms, but there are 3 common things:
- it is deliberate and often repeated
- it intends to cause fear, distress, hurt or harm
- is action by a more powerful individual or group over a less powerful individual or group
Schools exist in a society where incidents of bullying behaviours may occur. It is the responsibility of everyone - students, staff, parents and the wider community to report bullying.
Resources and information about anti-bullying strategies for students, parents and educators can be found at the Department of Education Anti-Bullying website.
The NSW Department of Education Bullying of Students - Prevention and Response Policy can be found at the Deparment of Education Policy Library.
View our Anti-bullying Procedures for more information, here.