St Johns Park High School

Know First Yourself

Telephone02 9610 8035

University partnerships

Aspiring to higher education

St Johns Park High School prepares students for future success through our partnerships with universities. This promotes aspirations and awareness towards higher education and beyond. Our school provides students with the knowledge, skills and support to achieve their goals. Some of our partnerships include:

University of Wollongong

#FutureMe program

The Year 8 #FutureMe Program incoporates school based workshops for students, teachers and families. Students explore the concept of a progression journey, identify occupations of interest, and recognise the link between their own studies and the post-school options that could lead to success. The program also incorporates content regarding aspiration and the language of higher education whilst engaging students in a 'hands on' experience. 


In2Uni activities engage students in our school to build awarness and aspirations towards higher education. This program helps students to navigate and achieve their academic goals, whilst enabling them to participate in higher education.

Learning Labs

Learning labs is a holiday program offered to our high performance students in Years 7 to 10. The workshop content is both rigorous and challenging, and is designed to stimulate the interest and curiosity of the academically gifted. 

Western Sydney University


Pasifika Achievement To Higher Education (PATHE) helps students of Pacific Island background realise their potential for success in tertiary education. PATHE proactively collaborates with key stakeholders in greater western Sydney as a means to contribute to the vision of seeing more Pacific people meaningfully engaged in creating career and vocational goals. Students have access to community groups including sporting, youth agencies and religious groups.

A specific curriculum has been developed to engage our students, staff, and parents through meaningful workshops that also integrate specific cultural perspectives and practices.

Fast Forward

The Fast Forward Program is a partnership between which helps students to see the value of continuing their education through to year 12 and beyond.

The program includes students from year 9 to target pupils before they reach academic crossroads such as decisions regarding continuing into senior school and subsequent subject choice that may impact on future career decisions. Aims of the program:

  • To increase Western Sydney school students' engagement in learning and the completion of year 12
  • To develop students' confidence, knowledge, skills and educational attainment
  • To enhance Western Sydney students' awareness of post school education opportunities
  • To promote the benefits of lifelong learning and life opportunities to students and their families
  • To improve the participation of Western Sydney students in higher education.

Careers and transition pathways

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SJPHS Alumnae

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