A safe and supportive environment where every student is known and cared for
Our school welcomes and respects people from all backgrounds.
St Johns Park High School is committed to a whole school approach that supports the wellbeing of all students. It is fundamental that students connect, succeed, thrive and learn to face the social and emotional challenges of a changing world. This will enable our students to build mindsets and develop life skills in the areas of resilience, collaboration, tolerance, positive communication and cooperative leadership. We know that student welfare is the result of teachers, parents and caregivers, and students working together for the benefit of students.
View our school's School Behaviour Support and Management Plan.
The wellbeing team
The wellbeing team is a committed group who understand that each student brings a different set of experiences, knowledge and skills to school with them. Understanding the student is essential to planning the learning needs of each student. The team understands the interrelationship between school and home, and how they may impact on each other.
The team consists of the Principal, Deputy Principals, Head Teacher Welfare, Year Advisors, School Counsellors, Careers Advisor, Attendance coordinator and Learning Support staff. The team works closely in partnership with staff, parents, caregivers and outside school services in order to foster student resilience. In daily interactions with students and through individual and whole-school programs, students are taught to be compassionate, self-aware, to be accountable for their choices, and to make sense of their world.
To find out more about our wellbeing programs please contact the school.
PB4L is a wellbeing program that our staff are introducing in the classroom to promote positive learning environments and encourage students to participate in activities to understand student wellbeing. By encouraging students to follow our key behavioural expectations SAFE RESPECTFUL LEARNERS, we hope to improve student wellbeing, build resilience, nurture an environment of acceptance and give our students more opportunities to achieve their personal learning goals.