School Counsellors
Our school counsellors have special training in psychology and counselling to help students and their families in a variety of ways including:
- Counselling students
- Assessing students’ learning and behaviour
- Assisting schools to identify and address disabilities that affect students’ learning
- Liaising with other agencies concerned with the well-being of students
- Assisting parents or carers to make informed decisions about their child’s education
School counsellors are members of schools’ welfare and learning and support teams.
Reasons for seeing our counsellor may include worrying about school work, conflict with friends, being in trouble at school or just feeling “down”.
School counselling is a confidential service. Students may seek self-referral to the school counsellor at any time by presenting to the school counsellor office, or by asking for a referral by their teacher or Year Advisor.
Our school counselors have put together a collection of support resources for students to use. Please click and view the attachment for more information about support services.
Speech Pathology
St Johns Park High School employs speech language pathologists to maximise students’ access, participation
and achievement of competencies in literacy, numeracy and key learning areas. Speech language therapy services support students’ educational outcomes by focusing on the essential foundation areas of language, speech, voice, fluency and oro-motor functioning, where these impact on learning. Speech pathologists also assist students with their social and emotional learning and help students to learn to use language with different people and in different situations.
Behavioural Therapy
St Johns Park High School employs a Behavioural Therapist to support students and young adults with behaviours of concern that may be associated with communication difficulties, trauma, sensory needs, social skills development or disability.
The Behavioural Therapist works with whole class groups, small groups of students or individuals.