Preparing students for future success
The careers program at St Johns Park High School is an integral part of our schools education program.
Our schools dedicated careers team assists students and families make considered choices about study patterns and career pathways. Some of the support programs on offer to students include:
Year 10 and 11 Transition Support
Students who are looking to leave school after achieving their ROSA (Record of School Achievement) must enter full time work, TAFE or an apprenticeship. These students may be nominated to receive Transition Adviser assistance to plan their transition from school. They work in the context of a school Career and Transition Team that is responsible for the overall coordination, delivery and facilitation of career and transition support, including connecting young people beyond the school. Read more about our transition program.
Subject Selection Fair for Year 10
Students are involved in a number of subject workshops where they can learn more about the courses offered to study in Years 11 and 12, careers pathways in different fields and have an opportunity to ask questions to experienced staff. This full day program allows students to be immersed in making decisions about their future.
Subject Selection Evening
The purpose of Subject Selection Evening is to provide information to assist students and families in their selection of senior courses for Year 11 and Year 12. Faculty Head Teachers and our Head Teacher Careers and Senior Pathways and transition team will be available for you to ask questions and seek advice regarding a students' subjects and future choices.
Senior School Interview Day
At some time in the near future, students will need to attend an interview outside of school, be it for a part-time job, for entry into University or TAFE, a full time job, work experience or apprenticeship. These are formal situations and people often do not perform at their best because they are nervous and inexperienced.
St Johns Park High School has organised a program that allows our students to maximise their success in interviews, give them an advantage in a competitive world and match their subject choices to their future career.
Each student will attend an interview to discuss their intention for 2019. The interview will provide students with an opportunity to clarify their goals and to discuss on an individual basis their subject selection.
Work experience and Apprenticeship support
Students are able to access and organise a range of work experience and apprenticeship opportunities with the support of our Head Teacher Careers and Senior Pathways.
The Careers Students Learning Hub
The Careers Student Learning Hub contains resources for all students to access during breaks. It contains brochures and pamphlets from all major University, Tafe and Colleges in Sydney and beyond. Students are welcome to use laptops for independent research for post school planning.